Thursday, April 26, 2007

Sales Training Tip #180: Your Response to an RFP

Never respond to an RFP (Request For Proposal) with a proposal. Rather, show your confidence in your ability to service them by providing a document titled a "plan" or "working agreement". This does not mean you are giving away your "secret sauce recipe." Keep the content the same as you would for an RFP, but merely change the name.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Sales Training Tip #179: What's Changed?

What's changed about the customer you're currently calling on? If you are unable to determine any of their differences since you last met, then you really haven't taken the time to understand your customer.

Sales Training Tip #178: Stall Tactic

Next time you stall out in a presentation, try asking, "How can I help you achieve your goals?" Not only will it help you refocus your thoughts, but it will also communicate your desire to see the customer succeed.

Sales Training Tip #177: What Makes You Different?

In two sentences, can you explicitly define what makes you different from your competition? Great salespeople can.