Saturday, February 17, 2007

Professional Selling Skills Training: Better Questions to Close More Sales

You will close more sales when you ask better questions. To help with this on-going problem, I've created a spreadsheet designed to help you develop better questions. You can download it from my website: Scroll to the bottom of the home page to find the links. By following the instructions to complete the spreadsheet and using the process for two weeks, I guarantee you will improve your closing ratio. Please use this blog to let me know your results. Also, if you have any questions about how to use it, feel free to email me or pose your question on this blog. For additional ideas on how to use it, I encourage you to download the free audio from iTunes (keyword: The Sales Hunter).

Friday, February 16, 2007

Professional Selling Skills Training: Lessons From NASCAR

The start of the NASCAR season is just days away with the biggest event of them all: the Daytona 500. This past week, we've watched several teams be penalized for trying to cheat. Then today, some of the drivers explained how you have to cheat if you expect to win. Too many times in sales, I hear the same thing about how you have to hedge the numbers or not tell the full story to win the sale. Why is it so difficult for us to realize that sales is a long-term event and we'll never create long-term customers if we make false statements to win a short-term sale?

Far more long-term profit will be made from customers who continually buy from us and, even better, refer us to others based on our integrity.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Professional Selling Skills Training: Phone Calls "vs" Advertising

Never allow yourself to be fooled into thinking your marketing efforts are so good that you don't need to make phone calls. Marketing or advertising might be very good at reaching a broad market, but 9 times out of 10 it still takes the phone call to get the person to move. If you're not following up on your advertising or marketing efforts with phone calls, then you're wasting your money on advertising. In fact, I'm a strong proponent of ensuring that you're making the right number of phone calls before you start looking at spending time and money developing an advertising program.