Thursday, September 6, 2007

Sales Training Tip #199: Network with

Have you heard of the website, If you're not already using it as a networking tool, do it today. A simple tip in using it is to set aside 30 minutes each week to add contacts, etc. Keep in mind that Linkedin is a long-term networking tool. Do not expect it to have an immediate payout in terms of new customers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In my world happiness is easy...because I make it like that. Unfortunately many of us accept rules from friends, tv, movies, parents, etc., instead of choosing our own. Some of us have become experts at consciously diverting our attention from all the good and all the potential and finding or making up dramatically tragic sorrows.

The second thing I mentioned regarding possibilities of the present is probably the biggest deal for me. Something I adopted from Einstein. Its the awareness of expectation. Of embracing the unknown with optimism. Instead of repelling the unknown with pessimism. Its true that any little occurrence in your life can transform everything instantly. Its been true for many individuals. Nathan Orms, said in an interview in Selling Powers, that he would read everything he could get his hands on. To him he justified doing so because he realized that any minute distinction made in the knowledge he encountered could mean the difference between him "making it" or not. This is the type of expectation that enchants any ordinary moment with potential, expectation, or excitement.