Thursday, June 21, 2007

Professional Selling Skills Training: Questions and Consultative Selling

There are so many varied definitions of "consultative selling" that have surfaced over the past several years that it makes me sick.

My definition? Consultative selling is asking questions that allow the customer to reveal their true needs, thus allowing you to work with them to help develop a solution that goes beyond solving their basic needs / pain to, ultimately, achieving a higher level of success or satisfaction. It begins with the questions you ask and the quality of the listening you do. It concludes with you delivering what will exceed the expectations of the consumer, regardless of what you initially expected.

Professional Selling Skills Training: Consultative Selling is Like a PBJ

I'd like to elaborate on my belief that Consultative selling is like a PB & J sandwich. Keep in mind that the PB & J stand for Perception, Belief, and Justification. The customer you're selling to will always develop a perception of you based on what you're saying and how you're saying it. This perception if often formed from things you would never expect. From their perception, they then determine their belief. This is where the customer takes great leaps of faith for reasons beyond anything you might have said or implied. It is not only very difficult to modify, but nearly impossible to correct. Their belief is then used to justify their decision whether or not to buy from you. It is scary to consider that the customer not only bases their decision, but also your livelihood on their shallow perceptions. Unfortunately, that's exactly what happens each and every time you're out making a sales call. Remember, think PB & J: Perception becomes Belief which becomes Justifciation.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Sales Training Tip #187: Sound Like a "Solution-Provider"

When you are calling on a new large client, remember you will always be referred to the person who you sound the most like. If you're selling high-tech products, you'll get referred to the IT department if you sound like a "techie." However, if you sound like a solution-provider, you'll be far more likely to find yourself speaking with the end user.